Salmon-crested Cockatoo

A salmon crusted cockatoo perches on a branch

One Salmon-crested Cockatoo lives at the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo. Keep reading to learn about his history and species!

Salmon-crested Cockatoo Fun Facts

  • The Salmon-crested Cockatoo has a life expectancy of around 70 years
  • They have one of the loudest calls which goes up to 129 decibels
  • Salmon-crested Cockatoos can mimic human speech
  • These birds originate form Moluccan Islands in Indonesia
  • Salmon-crested Cockatoos are omnivores and tend to hunt insects 

Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo Salmon-crested Cockatoo

Manusela as he swings from the branches in his enclosure  



Manusela came to the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo from the Wildlife Waystation Sanctuary in LA County. His birthday and age are unkown.

Why was he named Manusela? He was named after Manusela National Park on Indonesia’s largest island, Seram. Salmon-crested Cockatoos are endemic to Seram, meaning they have only been naturally found on this island. 




Meet Manusela 

You can hear Manusela's beautiful voice when you visit the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo.

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