Slender-tailed meerkat

Slender-tailed Meerkat

Two meerkats call the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo home. Keep reading to learn about their history and species!

Meerkat Fun Facts

  • Meerkats are a small mongoose native to southern tip of Africa – Kalahari Desert
  • They live in underground burrows in gangs/mobs/families
  • Meerkats have a very good sense of smell
  • They eat insects, rodents, fruit, birds, eggs, lizards, and scorpions
  • They always have a sentry or watch guard who will bark if there is danger
  • Meerkats can live for 12-14 years

Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo Meerkats

A meerkat stands looking towards the camera  


Paul was born in 2015. He came to the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo from Edmonton Valley Zoo in Alberta, Canada. Paul can be distinguished by a slightly stumpy tail. 


A meerkat stands looking away from the camera


Florian was also born in 2015 and came to the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo from Edmonton Valley Zoo in Alberta, Canada. Florian and Paul are brothers.  



Meet the Meerkats

You can meet Paul and Florian on your next visit to the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo!

Plan your visit