Von der Decken’s Hornbill

One Von der Decken’s Hornbill lives at the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo. Keep reading to learn about his history and species!

Zazu in flight  

Von der Decken’s Hornbill Fun Facts

  • From East Africa
  • Nests in tree cavity
  • Drops from above to eat a variety of food – insects, grasshoppers, locusts, termites, ants, snails, mice, lizards, tree frogs, nuts and berries.
  • Works together with dwarf mongoose, Africa’s smallest carnivore. Mongoose flushes out insects for the hornbill. Hornbill warns mongoose of any approaching predators so mongoose can eat in peace.
  • Lives about 20 years

Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo Von der Decken's Hornbill 



Zazu is a male Von der Decken's hornbill. He hatched in 2020 and came to the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo from the Los Angeles Zoo. He loves to steal shiny things from the zoo to bring back to his nest.  


Meet a Von der Decken's Hornbill

You can meet Zazu on your next visit to the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo. 

Plan your visit